By Dec 03,2008

Big Underpants Reloaded

The story just refuses to die. The China Blog reports: The state broadcaster is apparently unhappy with the inelegant nickname for its stunning new building, and is backing a search...

By Dec 03,2008

On starvation, capitalism, and Marxism

I’d like to note that I find it terribly ironic when someone who has written that he is “slouching towards Marxism” because of conservative annoyance with the (incredibly awful) auto...

By Dec 03,2008

The Rise (and fall?) of a Caffeine Empire

A few years ago, no one would have predicted a site like Created by entrepreneur Paul Konrardy after the financially troubled coffee chain announced in July that it would...

By Dec 03,2008

The humor of it all…

I’m not being obtuse, I swear. But … I do find it kind of funny that a number of bloggers have been s—ing themselves over whether or not Bush might...

By Dec 02,2008

Spreading the Gospel

There is a certain electricity in the National Press Club Ballroom. Businessmen in tailored suits mingle comfortably with shabby college professors; think-tank pundits and corporate lobbyists are schmoozing with reporters...