By Dec 22,2008

Gift ideas for nerds

This Map of the Verse (aka the world of Joss Whedon’s Firefly and Serenity) would surely warm the cockles of your sci-fi geek’s heart.

By Dec 22,2008

What the World Wants (and What It Will Get)

Change was the touchstone of President-elect Barack Obama’s campaign, and his promise to make a clean break from the Bush administration fueled his success in the Democratic primaries. But if...

By Dec 22,2008

Detroit: Kind of terrible

Matt Labash, long one of America’s great national treasures, has written a fantastic (and fantastically long) look at Detroit’s collapse in the latest issue of The Weekly Standard. As I...

By Dec 21,2008

Stick to the film criticism…

In an otherwise smart and entertaining (if overly stylized) post at Pajiba on Will Smith’s latest, “Seven Pounds,” Ranylt Richildis writes: [Will Smith’s character] snoops through Treasury files, scans headlines, and...