By Jan 19,2009

Post hoc ergo propter hoc

Ordinarily, the good people at China Daily are perfectly capable of coming up with their own ridiculous articles, but it seems for once they haven’t had to: Beyoncé’s song ‘Single...

By Jan 19,2009

The content of their character

Polansky’s latest and Martin Luther King Day have me thinking about diversity today, and about the ongoing failure to recognize the distinction between equality of opportunity and equality of result....

By Jan 19,2009

I suppose it was too much to hope for

After being ever so briefly pleased with the New York Times‘ oped page, it was almost inevitable that I would stumble upon the latest column from Roger Cohen, who as...

By Jan 19,2009

Chefs vs Cooks

A confession: I have a weakness for television programs that focus on the culinary arts: Iron Chef, No Reservations, Kitchen Nightmares — you name it. Nigella Lawson became an instant...

By Jan 19,2009

Knock Knock

Monty Python and Mr. Show fans will like this, I think. 3:30, and deeply sick, but worth it: