March 26, 2009

57 Posts (And Nothin’ On)

By: Sonny Bunch

JVL takes young Ezra (as well as the rest of the young blogging corps) to task for, well, talking out of their collective ass:

The entire thing seems pretty indicative of the problem with having 20-something pundits who don’t actually know anything. They feel free to hold forth about the weaponizing of space or getting rid of the Air Force or caucus politics in Nevada without knowing anything more than what was in the major papers that day (and what other bloggers said about those stories).

I think he’s focusing his fire on the wrong target, however. The problem isn’t that Ezra talks out of his ass. It’s that someone is paying Ezra to talk out of his ass. I mean, look, every 24 year old thinks they know everything. That goes double for the kind of 24 year old who attended UCLA and graduated a year early. The real problem we need to confront is that somebody is paying a 24 year old to write a dozen plus blog posts a day, and granting him a platform from which to broadcast his silliness. And, I suppose, the secondary problem is that people take those musings seriously. But that’s a question for another day.