Author: David Polansky

By Mar 13,2009

David Foster Wallace

I read this harrowing New Yorker piece on the life and death of writer David Foster Wallace with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. The article has...

By Mar 12,2009

Two for the price of one

People never ask me why I’m an Anglophile, but if they did, I’d probably point them to this: I’m also a fan of the Magna Carta and the metaphysical poets.

By Mar 12,2009

He’s goin’ hungry

I’ve always found Daniel Larison’s ability to toss off elaborate yet concisely-argued blog posts in the time it takes me to pee a bit daunting. Where most bloggers draft sentence...

By Mar 07,2009

Apropos nothing

I was pondering the debate over gay marriage when this wonderful Chesterton quotation popped into my head: Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors....