By Nov 20,2006

The LSE’s bell curve

From Charles Murray's Bell Curve to Satoshi Kanazawa's new paper on IQ's, each and every time, a new idea or provocative opinion has produced a reaction among cultural elites that...

By Nov 13,2006

Cultural learnings from Borat

There are so many targets for ridicule in “Borat: Cultural Learnings of American for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan,” but what is most interesting about the movie is not...

By Nov 06,2006

F springs eternal

It’s a sure sign that your adolescence is irretrievably behind you when you no longer take any particular joy in using the word “fuck.” In that fleeting moment around age...

By Nov 06,2006

Fear California’s Internet Tax

The girl gingerly picked up the two lighters and examined them. “Don’t you feel it?” he kidded her. “The histrocity?” She said, “What is histrocity?” “When a thing has history...