By Feb 01,2009

Hey, it's the Super Bowl!

I don’t want the Steelers to win, but they probably will. If you’re making any illegal wagers, I’d take the Steelers at -7. Their defense is just too good… The...

By Feb 01,2009

Cappuccino conservatives

I grew up in the liberal hothouse of Greenwich Village. Although my politics have strayed, my culinary tastes seem to be in perfect alignment with my coastal elitist upbringing. First...

By Feb 01,2009

Low-level snark

I’m currently at work on a piece on political discourse, a key portion of which will rely on David Denby’s new book Snark. The book is flawed, perhaps fatally, because...

By Feb 01,2009

Iraqi election results a blow to Iran

Max Boot: Assuming that the preliminary results hold up, it will be another blow to Iran, which already suffered repudiation last year when the Iraqi parliament came to terms on...