By Dec 15,2008


It’s still early here on the East Coast, but I’d wager Alex Massie’s penned the best quip I’m likely to read all day: One other thing: “Some of our NATO...

By Nov 20,2008

Libertarian Thoughts on Prop 8

Richard Epstein: “Today’s harsh skirmishing over Prop 8 starts from the common assumption that the state has the right to issue marriage licenses, so that the only question worth asking...

By Oct 22,2008

Powell's asymmetry of outrage

I share a portion of David’s frustration with Powell’s endorsement of Obama, but there’s something else I’d like to add to it that has increasingly upset me. Powell couldn’t be...

By Oct 06,2008

Narrow loins?

Alexander Waugh, grandson to the author, has a piece up talking about the sex scene in the various adaptations of Brideshead Revisited, including a few choice quotes about what his...