July 24, 2008

Does it make me a bad person…

By: Sonny Bunch

…when I read this story and say “Good Riddance”?

I mean that quite honestly. I have no problem with this monster blowing his own brains out, and I don’t think you should either. But some would say “he needs to face his day in court” or “he’s mentally unstable,” as if this somehow mitigates his crimes. Or perhaps they would argue “he took the quick way out; he needs to face punishment.” But really, what punishment would be worse than a gunshot to the gray matter? He’s dead, and I’m glad he’s dead. Furthermore, society should be glad he’s dead: we won’t have to waste precious funds on “rehabilitation” of this (probably) un-rehabitatable (sp?) monster, and we won’t have to deal with his inevitable recidivism. If more criminals took this route, American society would be a better place.