July 1, 2016

Meet Megan Cook

By: AF Editors

What happens when you are a liberty-loving, college graduate looking for a job?unnamed (1)

Well, if you are like Megan, then you become an intern at AF. As AF’s Development Intern she cultivates donor relationships and writes donor materials.  Additionally, she assists with program logistics.

Megan Cook grew up in Northern Virginia and went to North Carolina to attend Salem College. She graduated with a degree in economics and political science with a minor in history. She has interned for nonprofits including SFL, FEE, and CEI. She was also on the North American Executive Board for Students For Liberty as an Events Director. When not working, you can find her enjoying time with her family or exploring D.C.’s food scene.

Her interest in liberty started at Salem College’s Young Americans for Liberty chapter. From there she got involved with YAL, SFL, and FEE. Through these organizations, she grew her network and found influential mentors. The combination of these experiences, fortified her commitment to a career in liberty-leaning nonprofits.

Her favorite part about working at AF is her ability to do many different projects. It offers an opportunity to learn how each department contributes to a successful nonprofit. Though her primary role is in development, she also assists with marketing and programming. This also gives her an opportunity to get to know the other staff members.

Want to learn more about internships and jobs at nonprofits and foundations?  It can get you one step closer to a job or internship where you build skills and advance ideas you care about.