December 4, 2008


By: Sonny Bunch

Can I just say that I hate redesigns, almost on principle? Yes, they often make websites look more presentable, but they come without warning and all at once. I need to be eased into this kind of change.

Consider Google Reader, which just debuted a redesign. And I mean just. Like, between the time it took me to check my blogs, walk over to the bathroom, use the urinal, and come back to my desk. I go away for minutes–mere seconds, really–and come back to find my world askew. Is it too much to ask for a heads up? A “Hey, we’re going to change things ever-so-slightly at 4:21 p.m. but you’re really going to dig it?” from my overlords at Google? I only visit that website, oh, every 35 seconds. Don’t they realize what will happen to my overly sensitive worldview when they change something I check that often? Do they even care?
