October 6, 2008

Narrow loins?

By: Daniel Kennelly

Alexander Waugh, grandson to the author, has a piece up talking about the sex scene in the various adaptations of Brideshead Revisited, including a few choice quotes about what his father, Auberon, thought about the classic BBC miniseries version of the scene:

He also claimed to have been distressed at having to watch Quick ‘being mauled by the oafish pooftah Ryder’. His objections were not based on prudery, or even, for that matter, sexual jealousy, but on his firmly held belief that ‘you cannot drop a whole chunk of sexual voyeurism into the middle of conventional social behaviour without destroying the whole balance and tension of the narrative’.

Alexander, however, is “cut from a very different cloth”:

I have no objection to either the kiss or to the voyeurism of the ‘narrow loins scene’ – it’s just that I have to stop myself thinking of my Grandpapa while I’m watching it.

Read the whole thing, and don’t forget to check out Noelle Daly’s takedown of the latest film adaptation in DTO.