March 16, 2010

Should I get a life?

By: AF Editors

Kevin Drum, on deem and pass:

If you have a life, you don’t care about the subject of this post and have never heard of it.

Damn it. I heard about “deem and pass” and I even sort of care about it. And I’m annoyed with Kevin for letting people know I don’t have a life. (Well, I have a wife, but that’s neither here nor there.)

Anyhow, here’s Kevin’s bottom line:

Like it or not, process has become a big issue as healthcare has dragged along into its second year, and the public really does seem to have grown weary of endless procedural wankery. What’s more, there’s no benefit…

In fact, it will probably just make things worse. They still will have voted for the Senate bill, but it’ll look like they’re trying to hide the fact.

You might say they voted for it at the same time they voted against it.