June 9, 2008

Solvency, Citizenship, Subsidiarity

By: James Poulos

What could such a snappy slogan refer to? Why, John McCain´s campaign strategy, of course! My wild and crazy thoughts are up now at The Guardian. Pull quote:

The Republican party, and American conservatism more specifically, must recover its intellectual credentials. A permanent-combat mentality has combined with a deadening self-congratulatory clubbishness within the walls of the ideological citadel of “mainstream conservatism”. McCain is the right candidate for the GOP insofar as he can shake up dull orthodoxies and challenge complacency. But he is the wrong candidate insofar as his self-image seems grounded entirely in permanent combat and self-congratulation. These traits must be sublimated.

To do so, McCain should seize the imagination of the public and the party on a few key issues where sweeping reversals of administration policy derive clearly from his own character and from conservative principles: solvency, citizenship, and subsidiarity.

Titillated? Galvanized? Flabbergasted? Read the whole thing.