September 15, 2009

Sometimes an apple is just an apple

By: Sonny Bunch

And sometimes a beatdown is just a beatdown, not a hate crime. I have to say that I strongly agree with both Rod and Conor: Rush Limbaugh and Michelle Malkin are being irresponsible in labeling this fight an incident of racial hatred. From Rod:

Look, I think it’s important to talk about black male violence, or at least as important as it is to talk about any other important social trend. I don’t think we should be squeamish about discussing it in a responsible and fair-minded way, despite what the politically correct say. But good grief, Limbaugh is up to something wicked. He’s plainly trying to rally white conservatives into thinking that now that we have a black president, blacks are rising up to attack white kids! Christ have mercy, what is wrong with these people?

It really is striking. I have been (and remain) hesitant in accepting those who describe opposition to the president in terms of racial antagonism … but Rush et al. aren’t really helping me in that argument.