August 21, 2009

This is why we need the death penalty

By: Sonny Bunch

Hey, did you see that one of the bombers of Pan Am Flight 103 was released early from prison so he could die in the comfort of his own home? He even got a “hero’s welcome” upon his return to Libya, if CNN is to be believed. Good for him!

Freddie writes “You can count me among those who, in regards to the Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi situation, think a life sentence means just that– you spend the rest of your life in prison, and it doesn’t matter if you’re going to die of old age or of bowel cancer or whatever else. You’ve been condemned to live and die in prison.” Now, this is all well and good, but we have to consider the following: There is no such thing as “life without parole.” As long as you’re still alive there’s always the chance that some idiot will pardon or parole you because you’re “rehabilitated” or “old and dying” or some other bull**** excuse.

You know what solves that problem? Removing the “as long as you’re still alive” part of the equation. I don’t really think that the death penalty serves as a deterrent (and I certainly don’t in cases of international terrorism). But I do think it keeps travesties like this from happening.