October 29, 2008

You mean to tell me…

By: Sonny Bunch

…that Syria’s going to stop doing something it wasn’t doing anyway? Namely: patrolling its border and keeping terrorists from striking American citizens within Iraq? It’s going to continue to allow terrorists to make life a living hell for the Iraqis we’re trying to protect? Give me a break: It’s fatuous to make the argument that the status quo is any different.

Let’s recap: Syria fails to guard its border. Terrorists stream into Iraq. Americans ask Syrians to stop this from happening. Syria ignores/is unable to comply with request. Americans die as a result. Americans say “Fine, we’ll take care of it.” Americans take care of it. Syrians cry crocodile tears and threaten to cut off their already nonexistant support.

Color me unimpressed.

If this draws more terrorists to the Syrian border, fine: gather the terrorists in one place and kill them with our teams of SEALS and Black Hawk helicopters. It’s easier to kill six flies gathered on one window than six flies spread out throughout the house. If Syria had handled its business in the first place, we wouldn’t be in this mess. But they didn’t, so we will.