January 5, 2010

Zero KIA in Iraq in December

By: AF Editors

Who seriously thought this was possible? Not one American soldier was killed in combat in Iraq last month. I’m certainly very happy about it, but I won’t pretend that I thought it was possible. In the four months I spent in Iraq in 2007-08, KIAs were running around 30 per month. At the end of the Corps-wide briefings, there would be a moment dedicated to the memory of one fallen warrior. It seemed like everyone of them left behind a wife and young child.

For a slightly broader perspective on the situation on the wars we’re now fighting, check out the latest Brookings summary of key indicators in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan:

Brookings Key IndicatorsOne number I’d like to see for Pakistan is the number of suicide bombings as well as the casualty toll for all Taliban and other terrorist attacks.