By May 22,2008

Blurring the Battlefield

A while ago I went back and forth with John Schwenkler on torture. Our positions are pretty close together, but an element of the ‘torture problem’ we seem to be...

By May 22,2008

Pollster Secrets Revealed!

Aaron Sorkin’s film The American President tells the tale of the President of the United States, Andrew Shepard, a widower who falls in love with a lobbyist. The fallout from his romantic...

By May 21,2008

The Careful Man's Peachy Punch

In my review of Kingsley Amis’s Everyday Drinking for the Washington Times, I reference ‘The Careful Man’s Peachy Punch.’ For those intrepid enough to read me both at the Times...

By May 21,2008

The Tragic Irony of Thomas Frank

Unaware of my existence and identity as Thomas Frank appears to be, how could he have known, before clicking SEND on his silly piece in today’s Wall Street Journal, that...

By May 21,2008

What's the Matter with Frank?

So there I was, reading the Wall Street Journal, and what do I see? Thomas Frank attacking AF, the organization that so kindly pays me to write this humble weblog,...

By May 21,2008

The Race Is Over…

…but only because the media says that it’s over. Here’s the thing about Obama’s much-vaunted majority of the pledged delegates: it means bupkus. There is a certain symbolism, I suppose,...