May 12, 2021

7 Items Every Professional Woman Should Have in Her Work Bag

By: Krista Mitchell

Have you heard the exciting news? With current trends, many state governors and mayors will start rolling back COVID-19 restrictions this month. 

As the pandemic winds down and we get ready to head back into the office, I have some tips for the ladies out there. If you haven’t carried your work purse since March 2020, you may need a refresher on what to bring to get you through the work day. 

I always have the following 7 essential items in my bag, and I believe every professional woman should too. 

A Few Pens and Paper: 

You never know who you’re going to meet, what you’re going to see, or when you’ll remember something you need to do later. I always keep a small notebook and pen in my purse in case I need to record someone’s contact information, take notes, or scribble my to-do list on paper. 

Your Favorite Snack:

One of the hardest parts about not being home during the workday is the lack of access to snacks. To remedy the problem, I keep a small snack in my purse (usually Built Bars or TJ’s dark chocolate) at all times. This can be a protein bar, nuts, granola, chocolate, gummy bears, etc. It should be something to hold you over in case you get a craving that distracts you from your work. 

Travel Hairbrush:

Ladies, we’ve all been hit by a huge gust of wind in the parking lot or when a train races past us on the metro track. Don’t let mother nature or city mishaps keep your gorgeous locks in knots. Throw a small hairbrush or comb into your bag, and you’ll keep your hair looking fresh all day. 

Pack of Tissues:

Mascara running? Tissues. Oily skin halfway through the day? Tissues. Runny nose? Tissues. Need to just cry it out? You get it, tissues. 

Tissues are one of the best things to have not just in your work bag, but with you at all times. It’s uncertain when your nose will start to run or if your makeup will start to smear, but a small travel pack of tissues can save the day. 

Lip Balm:

Masks mostly cover our lips throughout the day, but I’ve noticed my lips get very chapped under them. I always had lip balm in my purse before, but now it’s more important than ever to maintain your lip health. My favorite is Fresh Sugar Lip Balm Sunscreen SPF 15.

Phone charger and portable battery:

Once restrictions start to be alleviated, many folks will want to go out after work and soak up life experiences. And after a year inside, we have to make sure our phones are ready for the lifestyle change. Bring your phone charger and a power bank, and you won’t have to be stressed about your device giving up on you before the end of the day. 

Toothbrush and toothpaste:

Many of my favorite foods have garlic and onion. Unfortunately, these two seasonings don’t bode well for the breath. Keep a travel toothbrush and toothpaste in your purse, and your afternoon meetings and happy hour date will thank you. 

It’s an exciting time to be a young, professional woman as the U.S. inches toward recovery. When you go back to the office, don’t forget your essentials. They’ve saved me from tough or potentially embarrassing situations more than a few times. 

What are some of your work bag essentials? Share on social and tag @AFempowers with your favorites.