October 13, 2009


By: Sonny Bunch

I think I have bloggers block. We’re in a space in the news cycle where I either don’t feel qualified to comment on the news of the day (health care) or have nothing interesting to add (President Obama’s obviously absurd winning of the Nobel Peace Prize)* or I just don’t really care (the Olympics).

It doesn’t help that I’ve been relatively busy at work. Perhaps I should just start again with the shameless self-promotions. For example, here’s an A1 story from today about indie filmmakers/documentarians using alternate means of distribution to get their movies out there.

I also hope you’ll check out this piece on Nakatomi Inc. I’m both a journalist and a fan when it comes to Tim Doyle’s stuff; his Full of Grace print (a recreation of a pivotal moment in Godfather Part II) graces my wall. (Not the wood one here, but a paper print.)

So yeah. Shameless self promotion. That’s what I’ve been reduced to.

*The one thing I would say — and I’m pretty sure someone already beat me to the punch, but I can’t find it — is that descriptions of conservative “outrage” seem off the mark in this regard. I don’t think conservatives were “outraged” in the sense that they were angry: The universal tone I saw taken was one of mockery. The award is so self-evidently silly and dovetails so nicely with the meme that Obama has earned plaudits but hasn’t accomplished anything, it seems like there’s nothing to get worked up about.