September 2, 2022


School Boards are For the Boys

By: David Collins

The education freedom movement is the Center-Right’s most successful cultural movement in our generation, and it’s being mostly led by mom’s.

Moms across the country are fed up with our broken education system and questionable curriculum, and are mobilizing and convincing others to take a stand.

Though the movement is growing steam, it should be noted that there is an overwhelming absence of men in the education freedom movement, and the involvement of more men can take the movement to the next level.

What happened with the Loudoun County school board and its transformation was led by a single man, Jon Tigges — a man who was arrested at a LCPS board meeting for speaking his mind at a public forum. Tigges doesn’t even have kids in the LCPS.

The moral of the story is: that man is you. Free speech is your right, and others might try to squash it, but whether you are alone or with a group of others, change can spark through you.

We need more men, particularly fathers, attending school board meetings and workshops, doing detective work on what curriculum is flying under our noses, questioning more policies that put children in harm’s way, and mobilizing others who feel the same to do something about it.

It boils down to showing up, being the primary educator and stakeholder in your kid’s education, and not co-parenting with the government schools.

In many families, fathers are the leaders of the household, so the responsibility of their children’s education ultimately falls on them. And if they are disengaged, that often leaves mother’s with the burden of standing up for their children alone. There is real power in the parental units working together. 

It’s not enough to say things like “the schools are good in my area” and “my kid is an honor roll student.”

Men must get out of the silo of prestige, the day-to-day educational experience and their children’s individual academic journey and focus more intensely on what school policies or curriculum put their children at risk, either physically, mentally, or emotionally.

If you’re reading this and want to get more involved, BEST Dads and Dudes Initiative is one group to help you do just that.

Boys, men, countrymen, it’s up to us to take the education freedom movement to the next level for our kids and grandkids. Will you engage?