April 8, 2013

Talent Tip: We Need More Lloyd Doblers

By: Claire Kittle

Do you remember Say Anything? (Note to Millennials: it’s a classic. If you haven’t seen it, do so immediately if not sooner.) The main character – Lloyd Dobler – has passion. And he makes his passion known to those who matter. Ultimately, it is his passion that lands him the girl.

As I review dozens of cover letters and introductory emails each day, I long for more Lloyds. Candidates’ banal letters leave me wondering if they are truly passionate about advancing liberty, or if they are just going through the motions of finding a job…any job.

Well, folks, apathetic job seekers need not apply. We’re not making widgets here; we’re changing the world! My nonprofit clients want candidates with fire in the belly and a sincere enthusiasm for what we’re trying to do.

Take the time to explain your interest in the mission of the organization to which you are applying (even if you’ve been working in the liberty movement for some time) and highlight your demonstrated interest in your résumé/cover letter. Do not take it for granted that hiring managers fully appreciate your passion. Tell us and then we’ll know!

Lloyd, I look forward to hearing from you.