August 13, 2014

Top Three Questions to Ask in a Job Interview

By: Aynsley Harrison

Aynsley Harrison Job Interview Skills“Do you have any questions for me?”

Little did you know that this is not a sign that your job interview is over. In fact, you can make it the deciding factor as to whether or not you get the job. You should always have about 3 questions prepared to ask an interviewer. Here are a few that have proved to be impressive to employers in the past:

1. “What’s the most rewarding thing about working at this organization?” This question will allow you to get a sense of the culture in the organization. Mentorship programs, internal promotions, and enthusiastic staff are usually signs of a well-managed, positive work atmosphere.

2. “Are there opportunities for me to take on more responsibilities over time?” This indicates that you are not only willing to do what the interviewer has outlined so far but also willing to grow your position. The wording also implies that you are looking to stay at the organization rather than leaving after a short time.

3. “I recently read that your organization did XXXX. What’s the latest update on that and would I be able to further that cause in this position?” You’ve done your research, you’re familiar with the organization’s mission, and you want to help. Aligning with the mission statement of the organization can emphasize that you are a good fit and a pro-active worker.

Remember, questions are you chance to interview the interviewer too. Take note of their answers as they can quickly tell you if the organization is a good fit for you!

Any more questions? The Leadership Institute offers mock interviews as well as other career services to help you prepare! Click here to find out more!

Aynsley Harrison is Career Services Coordinator at the Leadership Institute.