July 11, 2024


AF-NE Board Member Justin Musella Announces Bid For Parsippany Mayor

By: Anthony Miragliotta

America’s Future Northeast Regional Hub Board Member Justin Musella has announced his bid for Mayor of Parsippany, New Jersey for the 2025 election cycle. Musella has been involved with America’s Future for a while now, but his advocacy for making his community a better place started long before joining AF. Before joining AF, he served as the Chairman of the Morris County Young Republicans. In 2021, Justin successfully ran for Parsippany Council where he has battled at odds with his Council colleagues. Musella has never been afraid to shy away from taking a stance even when most of his Council colleagues disagree. AF recognized him this past December for his efforts at the AF-NE event, “All New Jersey Wants for Christmas is Freedom.” This past May, Justin was inducted into AF’s prestigious 1995 Society. 

For the past few months on the blog, I have been covering Musella’s advocacy against the now-passed PILOT programs that he believes would be disastrous for Parsippany. I recently sat down with Justin to discuss what inspired him to run for Mayor.

AF-NE Board Member Justin Musella Announces Bid For Parsippany Mayor 1

1. What made you want to run for Mayor of Parsippany?

Musella: “I’m running for Mayor of Parsippany because I believe our town is headed on the wrong track. The current Mayor has pursued disastrous policies for the town and I feel that new leadership is required. I believe in the potential of our town and want to preserve everything that makes our town great.”

2. What are your goals if you are elected as the next Mayor?

Musella: “My first priority as Mayor will be to stabilize the town’s finances by doing a thorough audit and review of how we spend our money, deploy our municipal workforce, and how we can fast-track all revenue sources to the town.”

3. What makes Parsippany a great place to raise a family?

Musella: “Strong local economy, excellent schools, and plenty of parks. Parsippany has something for everyone and is a premier town to place your roots in.”

4. Is there anyone you would like to thank for helping get where you are today?

Musella: “Without the support of my wife Courtney, my family, and my supporters it would be impossible for me to do the work that I have been doing.”

5. How has America’s Future prepared you for this moment?

Musella: “My experience with America’s Future has been invaluable in preparing me for this role. AF has provided me with a thorough understanding of good policy-making, community engagement, and is a general resource which are essential for effective leadership as Mayor of a very large town.”

6. What does freedom mean to you?

Musella: “Freedom means every individual having the opportunity to pursue their interests in life without undue limitations.”

In addition, AF-NE Hub Director, Larry Gillheeney, had this to say about Musella’s mayoral run: “We love to see our members doing cool things!” said Gillheeney. “Justin’s run is sure to shake up the status quo in NJ. Young people bring all kinds of great new ideas to the table.”