Author: AF Editors

By Feb 26,2006

Man of Godlessness

'Unlike Jerry Falwell and the others, I don't think I'm the only source of wisdom out there,' says Reverend Barry Lynn. 'I don't think it's my obligation to pop off...

By Jan 22,2006

Our miserly uncle

The federal government owns 29.6 percent of the land in the U.S. But this land is hardly public; Uncle Sam likes to keep it fenced in.

By Dec 04,2005

Who’s afraid of big business?

A close examination of the political scene in Washington suggests that conservatives have far more reason to be upset with big business influence over government, while liberals ought to be...

By Nov 27,2005

An analog armageddon?

Hollywood movies are replete with bad guys nefariously plotting to control the world, but these days, music and movie industry associations are looking awfully like power-hungry villains themselves as they...