The Iraqi silent majority
The media's focus on the insurgency in Iraq has allowed the angry left to argue that the insurgents speak for a majority of Iraqis. Last Sunday, the cynics were proven...
Government is the problem
Conservatives who believe in both tradition and the free market sometimes have struggles within their heart when they see Mom and Pop shutter their store in the massive shadow of...
The Left inherits the wind
Why do Americans continue to drift towards conservatism? Because liberals continue to send lawyers and judges to their small towns to tell them how to run their lives and educate...
Social Security and national security
The need to overhaul Social Security goes far beyond financial considerations. The current system, if left untouched, will decimate the United States military.
Book Review: “Checkpoint” by Nicholson Baker
Although it is, by Baker's usual standards, a middling production, Checkpoint did occasion something of a second-order news event as critics and commentators from across the notional left-right spectrum rose...