Author: AF Editors

By Apr 05,2001

Cloning conundrum

The Right has a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde complex about artificial human cloning. Mild-mannered social conservatives fall over one another in disgust at the prospect while Libertarians seemingly stand...

By Apr 04,2001

Lessons from a Cold Warrior

The first time I used the word disinformation in public, I got an immediate reaction from the audience: A woman said, “You mean, of course, misinformation.” Well, I disagreed. There...

By Mar 02,2001

Wave of the Future

Old people have always been afraid of change, especially when it comes to technology. My dad, for instance, still refers to the family computer as “the machine.” The poor sap...

By Feb 06,2001

Green Grinches

Jim Carrey wasn’t the only Grinch to terrorize us this Christmas season. America’s holiday rituals were besieged by another sort of misanthrope – this one a little less furry, but...

By Feb 04,2001

Cappuccino Conservatives

We always knew something was wrong, those of who had to endure liberal baby boomers preaching at us from the padded pulpits of tenured professorships. Xers like myself knew instinctively...