Iraq: Forever and a Day
When military units march from one place to another, they often keep time by singing cadences. One of the most enduring of these starts off, “Here we go again, same...
When military units march from one place to another, they often keep time by singing cadences. One of the most enduring of these starts off, “Here we go again, same...
Three concepts that are given a great deal of lip service these days are capitalism, free trade, and economic development. Despite all the discussion, however, the three are rarely connected...
It has been said that 1992, the year that four women were elected to the U.S. Senate and seventeen women were elected to the U.S. House, was the “Year of...
If you think back to your college days, you probably remember your professors’ warning to keep up with the syllabus or face the final exam unprepared. If you are anything...
Today’s young adults may recall the famous “Harry and Louise” ad campaign that assisted in halting President Clinton’s 1993-94 proposal to create a government-financed health care system in the United...
As if the burdens of social security and interest on the debt weren’t enough of a drag on young Americans, President Clinton now pledges to permanently cap our future economic...