Isn't it ironic…

By Jun 06,2008

Isn't it ironic…

Ezra points to an article in the American Prospect on socioeconomic (rather than race-based) affirmative action that I find annoying for several reasons. 1.) The subhed declares: “A bad Supreme...

By Jun 06,2008

The Google Pundit

Ross points us to Michael Moynihan’s takedown of the “Google pundit,” that species of blogger who opines on a topic while knowing very little about said topic.* Which makes me...

By Jun 06,2008

The Paranoid Strain

Unlike Reihan, I have absolutely no qualms with shameless self promotion. The key to quality shameless self promotion, however, is adding value to the post. I don’t think it’s enough...

By Jun 06,2008

Mitt Romney = Spiro Agnew?

At The Plank, Michelle Cottle is in a tizzy over the prospect of Mitt Romney as John McCain´s surrogate pointman on foreign policy: Has John McCain suffered a severe blow...

By Jun 06,2008

The Beach

The Allied landing never seemed real. It was a movie, a history lesson — not real life. That is, until I stood on Omaha beach at the age of twenty-one....