By Jul 28,2005

Off-Color Expose

“Tastelessness breeds tastelessness.” No joke, that’s what Don Nilsen tells me when I call. I want to know what Nilsen, editor of The Encyclopedia of 20th Century Humor and former...

By Jul 28,2005


In fact Rock the Vote is left wing, whether or not the young voters they claim to represent on a given issue are also left wing. In fact, as it...

By Jul 24,2005

Hands off my clock

Congress, as part of its new energy bill, has arbitrarily decided to extend Daylight Saving Time by four weeks — one in the fall and three in the spring. If...

By Jul 17,2005

Fair search

Google Print will let you search the full text of every book ever printed--unless the law gets in the way, that is.

By Jul 17,2005

Amazon’s amateur reviewers opened its “doors” for business ten years ago yesterday. Its first order was for a science textbook. One might be forgiven for not knowing this–the company now sells everything...