By Jun 27,2005

The libertarian bore

Understanding the implosion of the Libertarian Bore: the perfect mirror image of the Marxist who constantly ruins everyone else's dinner with his incessant dialectics.

By Jun 19,2005

Cameras without borders

It’s not often I get good ideas from the President of Syria. But I definitely gained fresh insight from his recent rant about the evils of modern media technology. His terror is...

By Jun 19,2005

Above the Beltway

In political Washington we all have a problem. We take our work too seriously, and believe that politics is everything. Baseball reminds us all that there is meaning outside of...

By Jun 13,2005

Originalism for the left

Can a Supreme Court decision unite the political divisions in our country? It may be possible, considering that both the Left and the Right came together last week to agree that the majority opinion...

By Jun 13,2005

Listing grievances

Lists–of anything–never fail to cause controversy. Whenever someone or some group declares something–a movie, a song, a person–to be the best or worst of its kind, a flurry of rebuttals...