By Feb 05,2005

The Iraqi silent majority

The media's focus on the insurgency in Iraq has allowed the angry left to argue that the insurgents speak for a majority of Iraqis. Last Sunday, the cynics were proven...

By Jan 31,2005

Who’s afraid of Mike Nichols?

The Oscar nominations were announced last week, and, as in every year, everyone has his list of “Movies That Were Robbed.” Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ is on a lot...

By Jan 30,2005

Government is the problem

Conservatives who believe in both tradition and the free market sometimes have struggles within their heart when they see Mom and Pop shutter their store in the massive shadow of...

By Jan 30,2005

Apple vs. free speech?

As more and more people turn to the Internet for their news and information, it is vital that online journalists not become second-class citizens.