By Jul 12,2004

Three reasons Bush will win

Time to make a fool of myself. On June 4, I posted my prediction for the Presidential election on my office wall. I have President Bush carrying 36 states and...

By Jul 12,2004

Book review: On Paradise Drive

There is no better example of the upsurge of American middle-class luxury than the trend of books dissecting it. In recent months we’ve seen Trading Up: The New American Luxury, Living It...

By Jul 05,2004

An enemy too familiar

If our current conflict in Iraq seems like World War II, it should. This nation has, once again, reluctantly chosen to wield its bloody sword for liberty's sake.

By Jul 05,2004

Tuning out RFID panic

Although privacy activists have been up in arms about RFID technology in consumer products, the real threat lies in government snooping.