By Jun 26,2003

Will the FCC let us be?

As the Federal Communications Commission prepares to vote today on relaxing cross-ownership rules for media conglomerates, critics have been ominously warning that the action would allow an oligopoly to influence...

By Jun 25,2003

Today's abolitionists

More than one million children are killed in abortions every year in the U.S., and our government sponsors, condones and protects it all. This is the single greatest injustice in...

By Jun 14,2003

Bugging the Digital Age

Developing search engines almost cost four college students $97,800,000,000. That’s 97.8 billion dollars–the amount the Recording Industry Association of America requested for damages in a recent lawsuit against the four...

By Jun 12,2003

The Golden Justice

Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist is widely expected to retire at the end of this Supreme Court term. President Bush’s nominee to replace him will undoubtedly face virulent partisan opposition....

By Jun 02,2003

Chechnya: The New Afghanistan?

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