By Feb 05,2003

Seeking U.N. Legitimacy

Recently, Secretary of State Colin Powell made his presentation to the United Nations Security Council, hoping to convince its member nations that Iraq has deliberately violated the terms of Resolution...

By Jan 10,2003

Live to eat

Socrates said, “Thou shouldst eat to live, not live to eat.” I say Socrates ended up with Hemlock by misreading the wine list. Anyone who considers food only for the...

By Jan 06,2003

A Lesson from the EU Founders

The recent debate over Turkey’s accession to the European Union has raised questions over what constitutes a “European” country and what qualifications are necessary for entry. Valerie Giscard d’Estaing, the...

By Jan 05,2003

The politics of a touchdown

If you’re a sports junkie, you have to be disappointed in Sunday’s Super Bowl match-up. What should have been a classic, nail-biting thriller between the Oakland Raiders and Tampa Bay...

By Jan 04,2003

Still a row over Roe

Last Wednesday marked the 30th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade–I was but a fetus at the time the opinion was handed down–yet the rhetoric flying...