August 14, 2020


Learn it, Live it, Love it: The Big World Edition

By: Cindy Cerquitella

Learn It:
Over the last week, in response to a presumed rigged election, massive protests have broken out in Belarus, often considered the last dictatorship in Europe. These protests have been met with violent suppression and thousands have been arrested. Learn more about the protests here. Students for Liberty has worked with several student activists in the country and is hosting a virtual march in support of the protesters this weekend. You can learn about their campaign here.

When Jimmy Lai was 12 years old, he fled his home in China to find a new life in Hong Kong. He worked as a child laborer, eventually as a factory manager, and then as an owner, and is now a media mogul. He is staunchly pro-democracy and outspoken in his opposition to mainland China. This has, of course, gotten him into trouble over the years, but now, thanks to the passage of the recent security law, it’s easier for China to do something about it. This past Monday, August 10, he was arrested. Thankfully, today, he was released on bail. We’ve talked about Hong Kong often in this series, and with the liberties granted by the world’s distraction with Covid-19, China has been able to make some scary moves to assert its control. Learn more here.

Live it:
Last week, the city of Beirut suffered the unthinkable, a massive explosion leveled much of this port city and left over 150 dead and thousands more wounded or without shelter, in the middle of a pandemic. This is devastating to the people of this country, and they are badly in need of help. To learn more about the situation, I encourage you to get to know the Lebanese Institute for Market Studies (LIMS).  Patrick Mardini founded the organization not long ago, and I’ve had the pleasure of knowing him since the group was in its infancy. Over the years they have achieved great impact, working tirelessly to reform the energy sector. This is a young team of freedom fighters, and they could use your help. Consider giving to LIMS (Through Atlas Network) to support Lebanon’s long-term growth. They also recommend that you give to the Lebanese Red Cross, or to the Lebanese Food Bank for immediate relief. World Central Kitchen has also activated on the ground.

Love it:
Last week, I discovered Jamie Oliver’s new show, Keep Cooking and Carry On on Hulu. It was made in a hurry, to adapt to the needs of the U.K. as they entered social distancing and then lockdown. Usually, Jamie is in a sleek polished kitchen, but in this series, he’s working from a makeshift kitchen at home, feeding his family of 5 kids lunch. His wife and little kids make guest appearances as Jamie teaches us how to cook with what we’ve got on hand. It’s a ton of fun!