What’s Most Important to You?

For Joe Morse, it’s family. It’s what inspired him to start a chapter in New Orleans after moving from AF Austin.
Your support has contributed to changing more than just Joe’s life – you’ve grown AF’s reach to 19 cities this year. Along with New Orleans, AF has added Milwaukee, Seattle, San Francisco, and Sacramento to the network!

- Growing AF to 25+ cities
- Providing AF leaders with professional skills they need to influence their community
- Reaching millennials where they are by strengthening social media and digital outreach
- Recruiting the best liberty leaders as they graduate from campuses nationwide
- Expanding into Capitol Hill, the private sector, and religious groups
What you and I do is so important – millennials, aged 18-34, are now the largest group in the workforce. These voters supported Obama 66% in 2008 and 60% in 2012.
The Left is way ahead in working with millennials. Five progressive organizations in 200+ cities spend more than $5 million each year hosting programs that help young people become advocates for progressive ideas.
Imagine what America would look without your support to AF! Progressive ideas would be the default among young professionals.
We haven’t reached 200 cities yet, but with your support, I know we can can help young professionals learn free market solutions and defend freedom.
You and I support liberty because we want our family to live in a free America. Because of you, Joe believes he can change the future of America for his family. If you haven’t yet given your annual gift, please click here to continue identifying and developing young leaders through a gift to AF. Or if you want to be a part of a vibrant community of young professionals, consider joining AF to reap the many benefits of membership.
Thank you for your investment, leadership, and vision for the future.
Roger Custer
Executive Director