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Deepfakes Drive Concern Over Government Security and Election Interference
By: John Tuttle October 15, 2024

We’ve all seen deepfakes at this point. Whether it’s the feverish re-envisioning of The Lord of the Rings as it might have been (as directed by Wes Anderson) or Joe...

Five Personal Revelations from the 2020 Lockdowns
By: Remso Martinez October 10, 2024

The 2020 lockdowns altered lives in unprecedented ways. Many don’t like to talk about it, many probably wish they could forget about it, but the thing is that I do...

The Case for Environmental Incrementalism
By: Kelvey Vander Hart October 8, 2024

We’re used to hearing all-or-nothing environmental arguments. “If we don’t act now, our children won’t have a planet to call home!” Arguments like these are used to push for legislative...



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