By Oct 16,2005

Competing with piracy

Banning technologies through legislation is not the answer to piracy. Copying is here to stay, so companies must change their business models if they hope to cope.

By Oct 11,2005

Asylum Song

In a New Orleans public school, Lois Tilly plays the organ and leads 5- and 6-year-olds in “Sing a Rainbow,” their favorite song about colors. It begins, “Red and yellow,...

By Oct 09,2005

The frivolous president

Facing the most serious task of his tenure--making a decisive Supreme Court nomination--President George W. Bush shied away from a fight and acted with nonchalant frivolity.

By Oct 09,2005

The recording industry’s new clothes

Copy protection in iTunes and iPods treats honest customers like criminals while locking them into Apple products. So why does the recording industry insist on it?