By Dec 12,2004

The Left inherits the wind

Why do Americans continue to drift towards conservatism? Because liberals continue to send lawyers and judges to their small towns to tell them how to run their lives and educate...

By Dec 05,2004

Tell kids the truth

Parents face a difficult job when it comes to instilling moral values in their children. When I have kids, I won’t want them dabbling in drugs, cigarettes, or unprotected sex....

By Nov 28,2004

The moral values voter

It’s been nearly a month, and everyone else has dissected Election 2004. But since I called it on election eve, I’m going to take my own belated turn. The exit polls...

By Nov 28,2004

Can we move on now?

An open letter to Democrats: "It just occurs to me that you really don't understand how much we have in common. Can we have a fresh start? I'd like to...

By Nov 21,2004

A painful loss

Pity the pain of the left. They are twice stung, both by the bitter pain of a lost election and by the great pangs of irony that come from the...