By Feb 16,2004

Notes From New Hampshire

A young man who roller-bladed cross-country last summer to protest the war in Iraq walked into the New Hampshire campaign headquarters of Dennis Kucinich carrying a small, soft briefcase. A...

By Feb 16,2004

Fast Times at Wilde Lake Middle School

A review of Not Much Just Chillin’: The Secret Lives of Middle Schoolers by Linda Perlstein, 272 pages, $24.00, Farrar Straus & Giroux In Britney Spears’s America, we probably know...

By Feb 16,2004

On the Consensual Campus

The following is based on a recent address Harvard Government Professor Harvey Mansfield made to students and faculty. -Eds. If I say I want to consider the sexual scene at...

By Feb 15,2004

The other Osama

“We will experience tonight for one hour what Afghan girls and women experienced for five years.” That wasn’t true, of course. But Osama comes about as close as a film can get...

By Feb 15,2004

Buying your first home in D.C.

After many years of renting in the District, as well as a marriage and two kids later, my husband and I joined the world of grown-ups and bought our first...