By Aug 11,2003

Justice Ginsburg’s foreign law

The American Constitution Society recently held its first national conference, drawing stridently leftist lawyers and judges together to discuss how they could counter the apparently awesome power of the Federalist...

By Aug 03,2003

The boys who cried Wolfowitz

With temperatures reaching 120 degrees in Baghdad, Democratic presidential hopefuls are making their own attempt to turn up the heat on President Bush. Over the past month, news headlines have...

By Aug 03,2003

Today’s nomads drive SUVs

At first, federal highway money was a good idea. Having a strong inter-city road system is a boon to the economy and national defense. However, when the focus of this...

By Jul 29,2003

Decommissioning "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

This year marks the ten-year anniversary of the Clinton Administration’s policy on gays in the military, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” It is a purported relaxation of the uniform ban that...

By Jul 29,2003

We're all bloggers now

As one of the few people I know without a personal Web site, I thought I’d try my hand at “blogging” this month’s column. style=’mso-spacerun:yes’> (It’s official: I’ve never written...