By Jan 16,2009

BART shooting

I forgot to post something on the tragic shooting of Oscar Grant last week, but Radley Balko has done a fine job of summarizing my immediate thoughts after seeing the...

By Jan 16,2009


I suspect I was unnecessarily glib in promoting the Frum-Atallah Bloggingheads: it really is quite good. Frum is very effective in drawing out Atallah’s ideas for a U.S.-led conciliation process,...

By Jan 15,2009


Do you listen to Motown on a daily basis? If not, why not? If so, here’s your daily dose: And might I recommend that instead of dressing up like a...

By Jan 15,2009

How dare they?

I see that Mr. Yglesias is outraged that some idiot DC suburbanites wouldn’t want a light rail importing “riffraff” into their neighborhoods. While I don’t know enough as to the...