May 13, 2008

Cognitive Dissonance

By: Sonny Bunch

Much like James, I find those who traffic in psycho-babble kind of annoying. But is there a more succinct way to describe this line of thinking?

“Why set aside money specifically for a conservative?” asks Curtis Bell, a teaching assistant in political science. “I’d rather see a quality academic than someone paid to have a particular perspective.”

Exchange “admission slots” for “money,” “minority” for “conservative,” and “admitted” for “paid.” See what I’m getting at here?

While I’m busy railing against affirmative action, I’d like to associate myself with Andrew‘s and Richard Kahlenberg‘s call for an income-based AA program over a race-based AA program. If Obama really wanted to transcend race and put to bed the demons of the past, he’d call for this. I don’t see it happening.

(h/t Jonah)