Worst lede of the day
Republicans, geese, jet engines, exploding debt, pork, Oscar Meyer, bank bailouts….Good grief this is insufferable. How many mixed metaphors can you take?
It’s hard to take Republican leaders too seriously when they criticize recovery plans for the economy; it’s sort of like those geese criticizing evacuation plans for US Airways Flight 1549. Their critiques look even goofier when you see their alternatives. They warn that President Barack Obama’s stimulus package will explode the debt — and so they want to make President Bush’s debt-exploding tax cuts permanent. They say Democratic spending plans are full of pork — then they propose an extra $24 billion for the Army Corps of Engineers, the federal equivalent of Oscar Meyer. Let’s just say their idea bank could use a bailout.
Also, don’t change horses in mid-stream, and don’t take any wooden nickels on the ship of state while drinking your juice in the hood.