January 11, 2024


AI, Automation, and How You Fit Into All of This

By: Remso Martinez

I hear it on a daily basis from clients, co-workers, and industry professionals alike; either learn to love AI or get ready to find a completely different job, because the only people who are going to last in our modern workforce will be those that learn to adapt to it, not those who refuse to accept that AI is here, and it’s here to stay. 

As we step into a future where artificial intelligence and automation become cornerstones of our daily lives, the narrative of the workforce is rapidly evolving. Picture a world where routine tasks are handled by machines, where AI algorithms predict market trends, and where automation opens new realms of possibilities. 

Scary? Yeah, it’s kinda scary, whether you’re excited about it or not. We’re seeing the impact of AI already, and for most working people, we didn’t see it coming as fast as it did. 

This isn’t some chapter from a sci-fi novel come to life; it’s the unfolding story of our professional landscape. 

So how do we, as working young professionals, adapt and thrive in this brave new world? 

Embrace Lifelong Learning 

The first step is to embrace the concept of continuous learning. As AI and automation reshape industries, the demand for new skills will surge. 

Stay ahead of the curve by upskilling in areas like data analytics, AI, machine learning, and digital literacy. Online courses, webinars, and workshops are more accessible than ever, making it easier to keep your skills sharp and relevant. 

As someone who became a marketing professional thanks to YouTube (sorry mom and dad, that political science degree isn’t put to much use), the ability to learn, adapt, and turn that knowledge into action is easier now than at any other point in history. 

Cultivate Soft Skills 

While machines excel at efficiency and precision, human empathy, creativity, and problem-solving skills remain irreplaceable. Sharpening your soft skills like emotional intelligence, leadership, communication, and adaptability will become invaluable.

These skills ensure you bring something unique to the table – something beyond the capabilities of AI, at least for now… but that’s a whole other can of worms for another day. 

Collaborate with Technology 

Instead of viewing AI and automation as threats, consider them as collaborators. The future is not about human versus machine, but human with machine. For ‘Terminator 2: Judgment Day’ fans, even Sarah Conner had to team up with a machine for the sake of her son and the rest of humanity. Bit of a stretch for a metaphor? Maybe, but you get the point. 

For instance, AI can process and analyze data at an unprecedented scale, but the human touch is needed to interpret and apply these insights creatively and ethically. 

Redefine Roles and Expectations 

The rise of AI may mean the end of certain jobs (just look at trucking for example), but it also heralds the creation of new ones. 

Roles in AI ethics, automation management, and tech-human integration are emerging. It’s about shifting our perspective and seeing this evolution as an opportunity to explore new professional avenues. 

Onward or Else 

The rise of AI and automation isn’t a wave to be weathered but a tide to ride. It’s a transformative force, reshaping the way we work, think, and solve problems. 

As exhausting and intimidating as this may sound, it’s filled with opportunities for those prepared to adapt, learn, and grow. 

Let’s view this technological advancement not as a hurdle, but as a stepping stone towards a more efficient, creative, and dynamic professional world.