November 3, 2020


An Election 2020 Roundup

By: Cindy Cerquitella

As the businesses on my street board up their windows in anticipation of unrest today and in the days to follow, all eyes are on the polls and election results. If you’re wondering where to find the best, most factual information (aka not the kind designed to rile you up) here are a few suggested sources:

1. If you’re concerned about voter fraud and election integrity, read this Dispatch article about the people making sure our polling places are secure .

2.  It’s highly unlikely that we will have a clear winner on election night. Many states will only begin counting mail-in ballots that day. 93 million votes have already been cast as of November 1. It’s going to take a bit of time to get clear numbers, so it’s important to hang tight, and be patient. Here’s a helpful timeline from Five Thirty-Eight about when we’ll see results in each state.

3. If you’re hoping to get a full rundown of insights about this year’s election results, here are a few events taking place in the weeks after the election:

a. November 4th, 3pm EST: Ballotpedia looks at what we know so far

b. November 4th, 7PM EST: ISI will discuss what lies ahead for conservatism

c. November 5th, 12pm EST:  The Heritage Foundation will host What Lies Ahead for America

d. Living Room Conversations is encouraging you to host a discussion with your community through their Moving Forward Together campaign

Finally, let’s all take a moment to remind ourselves that elections are just one way we use our voice and demand change. It’s our job as citizens to hold our leaders accountable every day of the year. Even more importantly, we must remember that it’s our job to advance freedom, and give people the opportunity to chart their own path in life no matter what politician or party is in power. We’ve seen the greatest government overreach in our lifetime this year, let’s start rolling that back today.