August 10, 2023


Are Parental Rights Under Siege?

By: Anthony Miragliotta

Since 2021, parental rights have been under attack all over America due in part to the controversial sexual education curriculum and the reversal of a Trump executive order which banned the teaching of critical race theory in schools. This has become a nationwide discussion. This largely affected the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial race where Glenn Youngkin, the eventual winner, ran on the education issue and won while his opponent, Terry McAuliffe, said parents should not have a say in their child’s education, which sparked fierce backlash. To put it in perspective, the education issue is a winning issue that candidates should run on. The issue doesn’t know partisan bounds, it is an issue many concerned parents list as their top issue on both sides of the aisle. Hence, why we have seen an increase in the number of  parents interested in running for school board all over the country. They want to serve to be in the best interest of their kids. 

States where Democrats have control over the state legislature tend to be where battles over curriculum occur. Most recently in New Jersey, Governor Phil Murphy and the NJ Office of the Attorney General (AG) filed legal action against three Central Jersey municipalities that implemented policies that would notify parents if their child prefers to choose to go by a different name, gender, or bathroom preference. To many, this sounds like a good policy, but some in New Jersey argue otherwise. 

“ ‘Outing’ these students against their will poses serious mental health risks,” the lawsuit reads. “Threatens physical harm to students including risking increased suicides; decreases the likelihood students will seek support; and shirks the District’s obligation to create a safe and supportive learning environment for all. Indeed, LGBTQ+ students in New Jersey and elsewhere have died by suicide after being outed.” This lawsuit appears to be purely driven by a political agenda. Parents have the right to know what their kids are learning in schools. They do not deserve to be attacked for questioning what their child is learning in the classroom.s

Parents should be protecting their children. They should know what is going on in their lives so that they may help. If you are a parent, here are some things you can do: First, attend school board meetings. It may not be the first thing that comes to mind after getting home from work, but it is very vital to attend these meetings to know what is going on in your kid’s school. You even have the option to watch the meetings from the comfort of your home.

Next, become a part of organizations that look to get rid of indoctrination in schools. One organization that is known as Fight for Schools is a nationally recognized organization that looks to stop indoctrination. Lastly, keep tabs on what your child is doing in school. If you see them with something that seems odd or fishy, it is important to report it so it does not happen again. All parents alike should be fighting this fight to protect the innocence of America’s children!