Please, stop giving us your money
I just saw an entire DC Metro bus painted from front to back with a Chevron ad that read something like: I will not use my car. Will you join...
The other Haqqani
Kalsoom Lakhani over at CHUP has a post here on the bad Haqqani, and U.S. efforts to blast him in Miranshah, one of North Waziristan’s many underappreciated tourist traps.
Firefighter performs mouth-to-mouth on a cat
Now, there are some who find this reasonable, and others who don’t. If you’re in the former category, please explain. Keep in mind, this isn’t your pet. I’m sure he...
Inside Interior
Dina Cappiello of the AP has a four-bagger today on trouble in the Department of the Interior: WASHINGTON – Government officials handling billions of dollars in oil royalties partied, had...
Selling long-term solutions in a short-term town
Husain Haqqani, now ambassador of Pakistan to the United States, gave a good talk Friday at the Carnegie Endowment (full disclosure: my day job), where he was previously a fellow....